RAFGSA members might recall that at the December 2021 AGM the next AGM was advertised as towards the end of 2022.  This was going to be an ‘interim AGM’ prior to adopting a new AGM timing of early Spring each year.  This timing is to better suit the RAF Sports accounting year, the need to provide the Malcolm Club Trust (MCT) Trustees with timely audited data prior to any subsequent AGM and the availability of independently audited accounts to the standard required by the Charities Commission. 

This year has been particularly busy.  Events in Eastern Europe have reduced the time many in the RAF have had for gliding – although a great deal has still been achieved. Of relevance to the intended AGM, a number of the key individuals in the RAF Sport financial team have turned over and the Association’s auditor has retired after many, many years auditing the RAFGSA accounts.  All these factors have delayed the 1 Apr – 31 Dec 21 accounts until the end of November, compressing the time available for the Association to prepare the information ready for an AGM at the end of the year.  Consequently, it now makes much more sense to delay the end-2022 AGM until early Spring 2023 when the new, enduring timing can be adopted. 

Therefore the next AGM will be in March 23.  Ultimately, I want to reduce the lag between the end of the accounting year and the Association’s subsequent AGM so that we can not only reflect on the last years’ activity but, on the basis of the audited position, debate the Associations plans for the forthcoming year.  Despite the implications of COVID, the RAFGSA has been able to continue the equipment refurbishment and update programme that is critical to provide a safe, competitive and attractive Association.  This has only been possible through the generosity of the MCT Trustees and so it is particularly important that the Associations reports to the Trustees in good time before the AGM, further reenforcing the need to schedule the AGM to early 2023.  

Safe landings, 

Group Captain Carl Peters

RAFGSA Chairman

6 Nov 22